
Fit For Life Fitness Roadmap With Dr. Chris

On March 28, Dr. Chris Bossart provided MTC Staff with fitness knowledge in conjunction with the fitness focus of the second quarter of the Fit for Life initiative.
“The biggest point I want to make is that exercise does not need to be formal exercise.  So, if you happen to not like exercise or that formal exercise and it becomes a chore and something that you dread. Then that kind does the opposite of what you’re trying to promote here. And that is to make lifestyle changes to increase activity.”

Still Fitness
Dr. Chris Presentation

Bossart laid out a general plan that reminded staff how to create a healthy lifestyle. The first step is to be aware of your level of activity.

“There are five main categories to fitness as we kind of understand it in the medical field. That being as aerobic or also called cardiorespiratory. Strength, balance, flexibility, and speed.”

“A little effort truly goes a long way. I think the big thing I want you to focus on is to beware of those sedentary hours. If you’re sitting at the desk a lot or you take long flights regularly, make sure every x number of minutes you’re getting up and doing some stationary squats, exercises, walking to the bathroom, getting water, you just do anything to keep you moving regularly.

Finally, Dr. Chris provided assurance that lasting positive changes are not only possible but enjoyable.

“Focus on lifestyle changes, not just formal exercise. That’s going to keep you engaged in this process much longer than some new years resolution. Also, friendly competition and variety of movement and exercises.”

Still Fitness
Dr. Chris Fitness Presentation