
A Positive Force at Bluebonnet Detention Center

The MTC Medical division provides medical services at many of the facilities we operate. The medical team at each site is led by a Health Services Administrator or HSA. All of us throughout MTC want to take a moment to salute each one of our HSAs, knowing they represent the determination and fortitude of every member of their team at each facility where MTC Medical has a presence.

Kristen Jimenez with Bluebonnet team

In this story, we pay tribute to Kristen Jimenez, the HSA at the Bluebonnet Detention Center in Anson, TX. Steve Mora is the warden.

Warden Mora: Kristen is one of our younger supervisors at the facility that just brings a wealth of energy with the knowledge that she has in the position that she’s accepted, and has really incorporated both of those into her role. And it’s infectious, creating a culture in our medical division that is fantastic.

Kristen: What I love most about my job is that it’s a very personable job. I love networking and interacting with other people. I love seeing the bigger picture of how not only does medical have to function optimally, but we’re kind of one in one. We couldn’t do our job without the security side of things.

Kristen Jimenez – Bluebonnet Detention Center

Warden Mora: I think that Kristen has embodied that there’s no such thing as MTC Medical or MTC Corrections. There’s just one MTC, and that we work together to try to fulfill the contractual requirements and give the detainees the best care possible.

Kristen: Here, we prioritize our detainee care. We want them to know that, “you’re safe with us, we want to take care of you. We don’t want you to be scared, we know it’s a huge adjustment, and it’s a very intimidating environment”. So we prioritize making sure that our unit is clean, our unit feels safe.

Kristen Jimenez working at Bluebonnet

Warden Mora: Our medical team is second to none.

Kristen: To say the least, my staff is – they’re wonderful – I can’t even put it into words. They’re great.