Florida Corrections Leader Says Private Partners Perform Well

Florida Corrections Leader Says Private Partners Perform Well

Secretary of the Florida Department of Corrections Mark Inch recently presented his Department’s budget request to the Florida Senate Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations Subcommittee. Secretary Inch talked about the challenges inherent in most corrections agencies including vacancies, staff safety, inmate misbehavior, and aging buildings.

The Secretary was asked about the agency’s partnership with contractors and what they bring to the table. Mr. Inch explained how private contractors are contractually obligated to provide a seven percent savings over state-run facilities.

“The private prison providers are well a part of the corrections profession,” explained Secretary Inch.

MTC operates one facility for the Florida Department of Corrections, the Gadsden Correctional Facility, a female facility that provides education, vocation, substance abuse, therapy, and life-skills programs to approximately 1,250 women.

Secretary Inch added this about the state’s partnership with the private sector, “You will not hear me speak poorly of how they [contractors] are performing because first, there are clear metrics and they perform to the metrics, and they’re showing a right modeling of programming and custody.”

Secretary Inch’s full presentation can be found here.

About Gadsden Correctional Facility

Gadsden Correctional Facility is accredited by the American Correctional Association—
achieving 100% compliance for both mandatory and non-mandatory standards in
its most recent audit. Other accreditations and certifications include the Correctional
Education Association and the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA).