
MTC Conserves: A New Initiative to Reduce Our Use of Vital Resources

Hi, I’m Dan Marquardt. We’re excited to tell you about a new MTC initiative focused on being more responsible for the resources we use. We call it MTC Conserves.

MTC Conserves Intro Still

As you know, much of the country dealt with record-high temperatures this summer and in some cases severe drought. Water is just one resource we can use more wisely to be benefit the environment and our communities.

We want to do all we can to be good stewards of the water, electricity, gas, and other resources we need to operate our facilities. And we can’t do it without your support.

We’re talking about simple steps we can all take to conserve the precious resources we use every day. Turning lights off, being careful with the water we use, keeping the thermostat set at a reasonable temperature, and minimizing printing to name just a few.

We can all do our part, as small as it may seem. We are nearly 8,000 employees strong in the U.S. alone. Think about the impact we can have if we all just made a few small adjustments.

MTC Conserves Intro Still

Our first order of business is to get a baseline for where we are right now. How much electricity, gas, water, and paper do we consume monthly? Then, we’ll work with each of our facilities to set a goal to reduce the use of these resources—even if it’s just a little. Again, if we all do a little better, the cumulative effect will be big.

MTC Conserves Intro Still

MTC Conserves is a critical part of MTC’s five-year strategic plan, so there will be more to come.  We will share our goals, progress, and success stories along the way through MTC News and video highlights.

Thank you for being a part of the MTC family and for helping us be responsible citizens. MTC Conserves. We look forward to all the good we’ll accomplish over the coming months and years!