
See How the Care Team is Making a Difference at the Imperial Facility

Meet Lizeth Murillo and Carlos Mora. Lizeth is a pharmacy technician and Carlos is an officer at MTC’s Imperial Regional Detention Facility in Calexico California. In addition to their many responsibilities, Lizeth and Carlos have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of other staff.

They’re part of a group of staff called the Care Team.

“The Care Team,” explains Lizeth, “is a group of members that got created so that we can help our facility have morale support when you’re going through problems in life or if you’re just too stressed out at work.”

And in the work of corrections and detention, stress is likely. The Care Team hosts special events throughout the year to recognize and thank staff for their hard work.

Carlos says it’s made a difference at Imperial.

“It helps a lot with the environment here at the facility. And with the help of the warden; he’s always supporting us on the Care Team.”

Lizeth and Carlos have been on the team for two years. Lizeth is one of the group’s leaders. She says there are times when staff need extra support.

“Unfortunately, of course, there are sometimes crisis in life. We have deaths in the families. And the Care Team acts on it right away, and we’re there supporting them.”

Care Teams are in place at all MTC corrections and detention facilities.

“You build friendships, so they know who to go to. There are different members, so they tend to pick someone they’re comfortable talking to. Everybody’s pretty open. Everybody enjoys seeing a smile. And I think they recognize who care members are because we’re always smiling and giving hugs.”