Staff Members at MTC Facility Save Man’s Life

Staff Members at MTC Facility Save Man’s Life

A recent life-threatening emergency at the MTC-operated Texas Civil Commitment Center, located in Littlefield, TX, brought out the best in staff as they responded to the situation, saving a life in the process.

One of the clients, a resident of the facility, collapsed on the floor of his dorm. Staff immediately initiated the Incident Command System (ICS). ICS establishes first responder protocols, command, control, and resource management for emergency situations. This encompasses every aspect of an emergency from initial discovery to final report, and everything in between as it develops, regardless of its nature. In this situation, the client soon lost consciousness and staff could not detect a pulse or breathing. They began chest compressions, which they continued throughout the whole ordeal, trading off as trained, until they transferred his care to the emergency responders, even assisting them as the client was transported to the hospital in an ambulance.

The result of the quick response of the staff, and their diligence in administering lifesaving techniques, was saving the life of this client.

Facility Administrator Greg Shirley, with many years of experience to back him up, had this to say about his staff and how they handled this emergency situation, much of which he was there to witness:

“This was one of the most impressive displays of teamwork by staff that I have witnessed. Each of them that participated in the response to the ICS played an important role in saving the client’s life.”

MTC is proud of the staff whose professional response and adherence to protocol saved this man’s life.  We continue to train all staff members at every facility we operate in initiating ICS responses to any and all emergency situations.

About Taft Correctional Institution

Taft Correctional Institution is accredited by the American Correctional Association—
achieving over 99% compliance for both mandatory and non-mandatory standards in
its most recent audit. Other accreditations and certifications include the Correctional
Education Association, The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare
Organizations, and the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA).