“Your unit has made the biggest impact on me.” See How the Cleveland Correctional Center is Making a Difference

“Your unit has made the biggest impact on me.” See How the Cleveland Correctional Center is Making a Difference

Following a recent family event held at the Cleveland Correctional Center in Cleveland, Texas, facility resident Brent Ethridge wrote the following thank you note to Warden Michael Upshaw, mentioning first his gratitude for the event, then continuing:

“I also would like to thank you for all the things you go out of your way to do for us here at the Cleveland Unit.  In all the time of my incarceration the short time I have been on your unit has made the biggest impact on me.  Just being able to attend class and programs such as Celebrate Recovery, AA, and Bible Studies freely makes a difference.  It shows by the way you run your unit that you really care about us and want us to succeed.  For that I am truly grateful.  Thank you for all that you do and God bless you and your family.”

About Oliver J. Bell Unit

Oliver J. Bell Unit is accredited by the American Correctional Association—
achieving 100% compliance for both mandatory and non-mandatory standards in
its most recent audit. Other accreditations and certifications include the Correctional
Education Association, National Center for Construction Education and Research
(NCCER), and the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA).