Sierra Nevada Welding Students Hit the Bullseye at Archery Range

Sierra Nevada Welding Students Hit the Bullseye at Archery Range

Welders from Sierra Nevada Job Corps, led by instructor Brian Woodruff, were recently honored with an all-you-can-eat barbecue celebration at the new and improved Washoe County Regional Archery Range.

The welding vocation recently built six large shade structures—strategically located along the path of the shooting range—that are designed to provide relief for archers walking the multi-target course. Not only was it a great way to give back to the community, but these students improved their welding skills preparing them for their future jobs in the industry.

Washoe County Ranger Bob Holland is grateful for all the help.

“These shade structures are just more example of the many ways SNJCC students have helped Washoe County Parks Department over the years. Just go check out what they did at Rancho San Rafael. We are very proud to have Sierra Nevada as a community partner. Things get done whenever their students are around.”

After lunch, Ranger Holland showed the students how to work both traditional and compound bows. Then, they all took turns trying to hit a large T-Rex target they nicknamed “Dinosaurus Tex”.

“I love welding just about anywhere, but I’ve found that welding outdoors in the middle of a forest takes the cake,” says student Kouragess Jacobsen, adding, “Plus, I never shot a bow before today. It’s a blast!”