
Former New Mexico Corrections Leader Praises MTC

While serving as Secretary of the New Mexico Department of Corrections, Greg Marcantel commented on the strong partnership between MTC and the State. Secretary Marcantel says public/private partnerships in corrections makes sense and improves services to the inmates, community, and taxpayers.

“It’s a remarkable addition moving forward, and I think it really accentuates the reality of how together, when folks come together; and in this case, Otero County, MTC, a private business, the State of New Mexico, come together how much more we can accomplish when we walk alongside one another.”

“Private or public, when we decide upon a single approach to life and what we need to get done—how we can do it effectively.”

“With the right partners, with the right attitude of the heart, with a well thought out contract that everyone agrees on and signs, goes to the table, making sure that we’re open and accountable about that contract and the services that we have and don’t operate as a closed institution—this is the sort of really remarkable work that you can get out of it.”