
City Electrical Crew Chief Says Gary Job Corps Program Puts Students on Right Path

Thomas Medrano works for the City of San Marcos, Texas as the electrical crew chief. His department partners with the Gary Job Corps Center, helping prepare students for the field of overhead linesman, the people who install, maintain, and repair electrical lines.

“So, it’s been working out really well,” says Thomas Medrano. “It’s getting them [Gary Job Corps students] experience on the job but not having to have all the duties as a position would have. So, it gives them a little more relaxation so they can ask questions instead of having to just completely worry about work.”

These internships with the City of San Marcos, Texas are extremely valuable to students. And Thomas says overhead linesman are in high demand.

“There are linesman that are needed. There are going to be a lot of people retiring. You know, they’re getting to that age where they’re leaving, so we’re going to be needing more linesman.”

He adds that the Gary Job Corps linesman program, which requires student to receive training in other technical areas, is outstanding.

Gary Job Corps does build character. This is actually a second type of, how would you say it, they have to learn another skill first which would be welding, electrical, HVAC, stuff like that. This is another step in order to prove themselves to get this position, in order to be a student at the overhead linesman. So, it is a good program for them to go through. And having to learn how to climb here, it will give them good experience. You know, that’s going to be part of our job. You can’t get the bucket all the time to your location. You’re going to have to go behind people’s houses to do the work. This, giving them the skills to climb, that’s a lot.”

Click here to see the story of one young man who graduated from the Gary overhead linesman program and is now successfully employed with the City of San Marcos.